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Rewrite & Upload 100 Articles Using Wordai and Canva at our Website

March 9, 2024
  • Project location type
  • Project Type
    Fixed project
  • Duration
  • Language
  • English Level

Project Description

We need to rewrite 100 articles using Wordai, And Upload Them at Our Website.

What Tools You Need For Complete This Project?

  1. Wordai
  2. Canva

What You Need to Do?

  1. Rewrite 100 Articles (We Will Give You URL List)
  2.  Create 100 Thumbnail Using Canva
  3. Upload 100 Articles At Our Website with Product Price

Price & TAT:

  • Total Budget $5
  • Delivery Time 5 Days Maximum

Only Apply If You have available time.

Skills Required

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